Discover the Esteemed Brands
Partnered with Karen Sorbo

30 Days Foundation
AP Food Samaritans 
Adrian Peterson Foundation 
AFIA Clinics International 
Aids Foundation 
Alliance Françoise 
ALS Research
Alpha Phi Sorority University of Minnesota 
Alzheimer’s Association 
American Cancer Society 
American Diabetes Association 
American Heart Association 
American Lung Association 
American Red Cross 
American Refuge 
American Swedish Institute 
Amplatz Children’s Hospital 
Anchor Center for the Blind 
Animal Humane Society 
Ann Bancroft Awards 
Anoka Hennepin Tech College 
Apple Valley Chamber of Commerce 
ARM Foundation 
ARENA Dances 
Arthritis Foundation 
Augsburg StepUp Program 
Banner Health 
Banyan Communities 
Basilica of St. Mary 
Best Buy Foundation 
Be The Match 
Beat the Odds 
Because We Care LLP Daycare 
Best Prep 
Bet Shalom Synagogue 
Beth El Synagogue 
Bethany Academy 
BFW Charities 
Big Brothers Big Sisters 
Bishop Kelly Prep School 
Blake School 
Blind Incorporated 
Bloomington Civic Theater 
Blue House 
Bolder Options 
Books for Africa 
Boy’s & Girl’s Club 
Boy’s & Girls Club of Denver 
Boy’s & Girls Club of Elgin 
Boy’s & Girl’s Club of Greater Salt Lake
Brain Injury of Minnesota 
Breanna’s Gift 
Breast Cancer Awareness 
Breath of Hope 
Breck School 
Bridge for Youth 
Brooklyn Park Rotary 
Buck Hill Ski Team 
Camp Friendship 
Camp Heartland 
Cardon Children’s Hospital 
Casa De Carlitos 
Cat Sanctuary 
CCRF -Children’s Cancer Research Fund 
Cedar Rapids Opera 
Cerebral Palsy 
Chad Greenway Foundation 
Chamber Music Society 
Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce 
Chanhassen Rotary 
Chapel Hill Academy 
Chehalem Cultural Center 
Children’s Cancer Kids Fund 
Children’s Care Foundation 
Children’s Defense Fund 
Children’s Heartlink 
Children’s Home Society & Family Services 
Children’s Hospital and Clinics Foundation 
Children’s Law Center 
Children’s Museum of Minnesota 
Children’s Safety Centers 
Children’s Surgery International 
Children’s Theater Company 
Children’s Defense Fund 
Christ The King Catholic Church 
Clare Housing 
Clear Cause 
Clinic 42 Top Shelf 
Coalition for Battered Women 
Colorado Children’s Hospital Foundations 
Conservation Beyond Borders 
Courage Center 
Cowles Center for Performing Arts 
Cradle of Hope 
Crested Butte Music Festival 
Cretin Derham Hall 
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation 
Crown College 
Cystic Fibrosis 
Dahlias Hope 
Dakota Communities 
Dancing Classrooms 
Deafness Research 
Delta Waterfowl 
Devin Smith Foundation 
Diabetes Institute 
Diamond Club 
District #279 Foundation 
Down Syndrome Association 
Ducks Unlimited 
Duluth Art Institute 
Duluth Sister Cities 
Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra 
Dunwoody Institute 
Duchenne Disease 
Eagle Ridge Academy 
East European Children’s Fund 
Eden Prairie Foundation 
Edina Family Center 
Edina Federated Women’s Club 
Edina Rotary 
Eisenhower Health 
El Amor de Patricia 
El Colegio Theater & School 
Emergency Infant Services, Tulsa, OK 
Empty Bowls 
Epilepsy Foundation 
Excelsior Chamber of Commerce 
Excelsior Elementary School 
Excelsior Rotary 
Family & Children Services 
Family Enhancement Services 
Family Hope Services 
Family Pathways 
Follow The Flag 
Fraser Community Services 
Fred Wells Tennis & Education Center 
French Academy 
Front Line Foundation 
Guadalupe Center 
Gilboa Ski Team 
Gillette Children’s Hospital Foundation 
Gillette Children’s Specialty Hospital & Clinics 
Girl Scouts of America 
Give Us Wings 
Givens Foundation 
Glacier National Park Conservancy 
Good Samaritan 
Good Shepherd Catholic School 
Goodwill Easter Seal Society 
Gopher Athletic Fund 
Greater NYC Girl Scouts of America 
Greg Marzolf Foundation 
Guthrie Theater Company 
Haiti Outreach 
Hammer Residence 
Harmon Killebrew Foundation 
Hazelden Treatment Center 
Headwaters Foundation 
Healing Haiti 
Health Partners 
Heart Association of America 
Hearts for Hospice 
Helping Hands for Haiti 
Hennepin County Bar Association 
Hennepin Theater Trust 
Herb Brooks Foundation 
Hill Murray High School 
History Theater 
Holy Family Catholic High School 
Home Free Shelter for Domestic Abuse 
Hope For The City 
Hope Chest for Breast Cancer Foundation 
Hopkins Education Foundation 
House of Hope Presbyterian 
ICA Food Shelf 
Innocence Project 
International YMCA 
Ireland’s Hope 
Irish Catholic Foundation 
Iowa Opera 
Jacob Wetterling Foundation 
Jeremiah Program 
Jewish Community Center 
Jewish Family and Children’s Services 
John J. Wielgus Hospice Foundation 
John T. Petters Foundation 
Jungle Theater 
Junior League Boston, MA 
Junior League Minneapolis 
Junior League St. Paul 
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 
Keys 4 Kids 
Kids & Chrome 
Kidney Foundation 
Knights of Columbus 
L.H. Chairities 
Laker Education 
Lakeview Hospice 
Lakeview Foundation 
League of Women Voters 
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society 
Leukemia Society of America 
Lifetime Fitness Foundation 
Lillehei Heart Institute 
Living Desert Palm Desert 
Los Cabos Children’s Care Foundation 
Lube Tech 
Lupus Foundation 
Lutheran Social Services 
MADD – Mothers Against Drunk Driving 
Make-A-Wish Foundation 
March of Dimes 
Matter More 
Meals on Wheels 
MEDA – Metropolitan Economics Development Association 
Meeting Planners International 
Memorial Blood Bank 
Mending Kids International 
Mental Health Association 
Metropolitan Public Airport Foundation 
Metropolitan State University 
Mill City Farmers Market 
Mill City Museum 
Miller-Dwan Foundation 
Minneapolis Children’s Hospital 
Minneapolis Crisis Nursery 
Minneapolis Jewish Day School 
Minneapolis Photo Center 
Minneapolis Urban League 
Minnehaha Academy 
Minnesota Bio Brain 
Minnesota Center for Photography 
Minnesota Chorale 
Minnesota Craft Council 
Minnesota Historical Society 
Minnesota International Center 
Minnesota Landscape Arboretum 
Minnesota Medical Foundation 
Minnesota Orchestra 
Minnesota Performing Arts 
Minnesota Police Chiefs 
Minnesota Urban Roots 
Minnesota Zoo Foundation 
Minnetonka Center for the Arts 
Minnewashta Elementary School 
Mitchell Foundation 
Mississippi River Museum 
Mobility for Independence 
Mobilize Mankind 
MOCA – Minnesota Ovarian Association 
Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame 
Mount Calvary 
MS Research 
Multipurpose Inc. 
Muscular Dystrophy Association 
MVNA – Minnesota Visiting Nurses Assoc. 
NAMI – National Association of Mental Illness 
National Bone Marrow 
National Federation of the Blind 
Nativity Church & School 
National Republican Party 
NC Little Hospice 
Newborn Foundation 
Nicole Brown Foundation 
North Como Presbyterian 
North Hennepin Community College 
North Memorial Community Foundation 
Northern Stars Ball 
Notre Dame Prep School 
Oasis for Youth 
Oklahomans for Equality 
OIC Academy 
Opera Guild Palms Springs 
Operation Underground Railroad 
Opportunity Partners 
Orchestra Iowa 
Ordway Center for the Arts 
Orono Education 
Orono Education Alliance 
OSU Wine Forum 
Our Lady of Grace Church 
PACER Center 
Palm Springs Animal Shelter 
Palm Springs Women’s Club 
Parent Child Center Tulsa, OK 
Park House 
Parker Hughes Clinics 
Parrish 21 For Kids 
Partnership Plan 
Partnership Resources Inc. 
Patricia Orphanage 
Perspectives Family Service 
Philbrook Museum of Art, Tulsa OK 
Playwright Center 
Preservation Alliance of Minnesota 
Prior Lake Chamber 
Prior Lake Rotary 
Radiology Foundation 
Raptor Center 
Rapid City Community Theater 
Rayito de Sol 
Redlands Symphony 
Regions Hospital 
Reiser Relief 
Republican Party 
RESTART – Brain Injury 
Rett Syndrome 
Ridgeview Hospitals and Clinics 
Ridgeview Medical Center 
Ronald McDonald House 
Rondo Education Center 
Route 66 Museum 
SABES Jewish Community Center 
Safe Hands Rescue 
Safe Harbor Crisis Center 
Sanneh Foundation 
Save the Children 
Scholarship America 
Science Museum of Minnesota 
Service Club of Chicago 
Share Our Strength 
Shattuck/St. Mary’s 
Shelter from the Storm 
Sherburne History Center 
Sister Kenny Institute 
Shattuck St. Mary’s 
Smile Network International 
South Lake Chamber of Commerce 
South Saint Paul Open 
Spare Key 
Special Olympics 
Spring Hill School 
St. David’s Child Development 
St. Elizabeth Seaton 
St. Francis Hospital 
St. John’s Baptist Church 
St. Josephina Blood Bank 
St. Jude of Dallas 
St. Luke’s Hospital 
St. Odilia’s Catholic Church 
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church 
St. Paul Children’s Hospital 
St. Paul Jewish Community Center 
St. Paul Talmud Torah 
St. Richard’s Catholic Church 
St. Stephen’s Catholic Church 
St. Therese Catholic Church 
St. Therese Residence 
St. Vincent DePaul School 
Starkey Hearing Foundation 
Stillwater Medical Association 
Street School of Tulsa 
Summit Academy OCI 
Swedish Chamber of Commerce 
Talmud Torah 
Task Unlimited 
Taste of the Nation 
The Aliveness Project 
The Bell Museum of Natural History
The Lupus Foundation 
The Partnership Plan 
The Retreat 
The Service Club 
The Variety Club Association 
Thrivent Financial 
Tony Robbins Research 
Trent Tucker Celebrity Golf & Tennis Tournament 
Tristesse Grief Center 
Tubman Family Alliance 
Tuality Healthcare 
Tulsa Project Woman 
Tulsa, OK Alzheimer’s Association 
Twin Cities Gay Men’s Chorus 
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce 
Under The Radar 
Union United Church 
United Cerebral Palsy 
United Hospital Foundation 
United Way 
University Club Minneapolis 
University of Chicago Cancer Research 
University of Minnesota Athletics 
University of Minnesota Bell Museum 
University of Minnesota Gopher Fund
University of Minnesota Pediatrics 
Unstoppable Foundation 
Unstoppable Gala 
VEAP – Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People 
Visitation School 
Warrior Bash 
Wayzata High School 
Wildcat Sanctuary 
Wilder Foundation 
Wine Forum OSU 
Wingspan Life Resources 
Wishes and More 
Women Sources 
Women’s Club of Minneapolis 
World Vision International 
YCC – Youth Crisis Center 
Youth Rugby 
Youth Services Bureau 
Zenon Dance 

Another fabulous job!!! Thank you. This year was a HUGE success & we appreciate all you did to make it happen.
~ Ronald McDonald House
We are excited that you will be serving as our auctioneer again. I know that with you the event will be SPECTACULAR.
~ Science Museum of Minnesota
Karen ’s professionalism and expertise in auctioneering made the live auction our most successful ever.
~ Gillette Children’s Hospital Foundation
Karen made this event exciting for everyone involved. With her engaging personality, she was able to draw out the savvy bidder in everyone.
~ General Mills
Thank you Karen. Your level of enthusiasm and sense of humor really motivate people. You are such a delightful person to work with!
~ MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
Man you’re good!! You were able to incorporate the mission and message and you made it fun!
~ Children's Hospital Association

P.O. Box 3644, Minneapolis, MN 55403  |  612-868-4929

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